Perfumes for Mistress Emma

Do not compliment me simply with your words, slave! You want to show me your devotion to me? What is the best way to do so? Surprise me with one of my favorite perfumes. and no, don’t mention it over the phone, let it be indeed a surprise for me.
What was the first thing i noticed about my Goddess?
Her scent! This sweet combination of power, passion and lust. It haunt me in my darkest nights. It’s deep in my mind, and I never seem able to switch it off, to get rid of it, to escape it…
(Confession made to me by one of my humble servants)
Eau de Parfum

If I scent your perfume on the street, in my office, even at the groceries store, I feel a storm of emotions deep inside of me. Then I have to run, to hide and to give you a call. Every single time. I know I am weak, but there is simply nothing I can do. You own my body and soul, and I feel the urge of giving it to you immediately…
(Another confession)
This might sound strange, but i bought your perfume. I keep it on my nightstand, and every other day i spray my sheets and pillow with it. Doing so I can ensure your presence in my dreams. I know, I will never be lucky enough to sleep in your arms, but the one can hold on to his deepest desires one way or the other, right.
(One more confession of a slave of mine desperate to keep me as close as possible)
Eau de Parfum

Perfume is unseen, unforgettable, ultimate fassion accesory. It harelds your arrival and prolong your departure!
Eau de Parfum
What are the things i always carry in my purse? My phone, lipstick and of course a perfume. The one thing everyone tent to notice according to Me is the fragrance a woman has. Whether sweet and flowery, or strong and demanding, the scent of a woman speaks loudly of her character and personal preferences. Do you pay enough attention to it? Perhaps you should!
Lancôme – Hypnôse